Month: May 2019

  • Human rights in wargaming

    Human rights in wargaming

    In my research for the Ethiopian-Eritrean-Somali conflict, I encountered a lot of stories which are violating human rights. It started with reading the book Ethiopian-Eritrean wars Volume 2. As my interest is mostly on the aerial war, I didn’t bother that much on the ground war. I had already read the first volume and the…

  • Roundels of War: Ethiopian – Somali – Eritrean

    Roundels of War: Ethiopian – Somali – Eritrean

    I finished the books on the Ogaden war and the second volume on the Ethiopian Eritrean conflicts. For the project I try to create I am planning to have the air force of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somali. With all the photos in the book, I determined what the different roundels for the aircraft would be.…

  • Mustering a Retinue

    Mustering a Retinue

    1629, During the siege of ‘s Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, the Spanish and Imperial troops launched a diversion attack on the Veluwe area. This attack was performed to relief the threat of the Siege, and try to create panic under the civilization. It raised to several Siege to several cities, but also sacked a lot…

  • HMS Glasgow and HMS Brilliant sunk in Falklands

    HMS Glasgow and HMS Brilliant sunk in Falklands

    Last week I played some Missile Threat in the Falklands with my father. As I was painting the house, I did not have time to write this report earlier. The scenario is loosely based the attack of the HMS Glasgow (type 42) and HMS Brilliant (type 22). Forming a Type 42-22 combo. In our scenario…

  • Small Falkland conflict painted

    Small Falkland conflict painted

    After priming the planes yesterday, I have done a quick painting session this morning after church. I have painted the two Skyhawks and two sea Harriers. I am happy with the results. I could have worked longer on the details, and the free hand markings are not completly streight. It does look the job, and…

  • Quick little Falklands

    Quick little Falklands

    For my birthday I received some Tumblingdice aircraft. Two Harriers, two a-4 Skyhawks and two MB-339 planes. The last two will be reserved for the Eritrean air force, the others will be used for a quick paint up for the Falklands war. We will have a gaming evening next Tuesday I hope to finish it…

  • Africa@war books arrived

    Africa@war books arrived

    The books I ordered arrived. I already spotted some nice photos and pictures. Hope to read them coming days. Probably i will write a review when finished.

  • Spanish civil war air encounters

    Spanish civil war air encounters

    With the Dutch air war of the world war 2, I will have a German early war air force. To expand the options to play, I want to re-purpose a part of these planes and use them in an other conflict. When I started searching for suitable conflicts, were I could re-use the german planes,…

  • Dutch Cold war airforce project

    Dutch Cold war airforce project

    After playing Missile Threat a couple of times with modern aircraft, I find the rules very engaging. One drawback I encountered, aircrafts after the 1980s do have a lot of missiles, which results in easy hits. Dogfights are therefore quick encounters, of who passes who first and fires the most rockets. A lot of times…

  • Book review: Ethiopian-Eritrean wars Volume 1

    Book review: Ethiopian-Eritrean wars Volume 1

    Last weekend I have started with research for the Ethiopian-Eritrean-Somalia conflict s. Couple of weeks ago I had ordered a book from Helion Africa@war series. Number 29: Ethiopian-Eritrean wars, volume 1, Eritrean war of independence 1961-1988. (Click on image for link to Helion site) Before I read this book, I had only done a quick…