A lot has changed, but still pressing on

The last blog is a couple of months back. A few months where a lot has happened. Some things sort of planned, some un-expected. A short summery: being fired, Covid-19 and becomming a father. Luckely the last one is very positive and enjoyable. It only reduces modelling and wargame time 😉

But in between all the events, I am still working on some small projects. But I didn’t have time to write some updates.

I have started to paint a bunch of the 1:600 tumbling dice planes. Starting with some of the USAF 32 TFS fighters stationed on Soesterberg, the Netherlands. I didn’t make any photo’s yet, so those have to wait.

Next to that I have started on basing the 10mm Irregular Pike and Shot units, and applied the first paint.

Basing, and applying some sand texture
Primed and applying first colors

I hope to create an army for pikemans lament. I have decided to base them 3-2-1 on 20mm square bases.

But an army does need some terrain to fight. So have also started making some scratchbuild terrain pieces. Some houses, a castlehouse and some forest and ruins. The windmill and one of the houses had been started earlier. Now most things are primed and some have received a paint layer. Hopefully I can do some more next weekend.

Ruins, forest and a well
Overview of the different pieces
House with miniature for scale refference
The housecastle
And receiving first layer of paint

So this was a small update on some work in progress. I have also worked on some scale models in between. Maybe I will post some pictures of those when I have finished them. I am still pressing on, on all different subject. (also reading some books) I hope to update a little more frequently, but expect not too much.



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