Category: 80 year war
Color block
Finally some time to paint. This evening a little progress on the 10mm Pikemans Lament. 1 unit of shot has received all its basic colors. Only metals are missing, but these i will do for multiple units at once. After that a brown wash, some touch up and grassing on the base, will be all…
A lot has changed, but still pressing on
The last blog is a couple of months back. A few months where a lot has happened. Some things sort of planned, some un-expected. A short summery: being fired, Covid-19 and becomming a father. Luckely the last one is very positive and enjoyable. It only reduces modelling and wargame time 😉 But in between all…
Mustering a Retinue
1629, During the siege of ‘s Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, the Spanish and Imperial troops launched a diversion attack on the Veluwe area. This attack was performed to relief the threat of the Siege, and try to create panic under the civilization. It raised to several Siege to several cities, but also sacked a lot…