Category: Cold war Dutch air force
Get seated…
I am making progress every evening. Most basic colors are blocked in. And all cockpits are painted on. Next step will be some detail painting. And some grey undersides. After thar I will give them a gloss varnish and prepare for decalling. Hopefully finishing the first planes next week.
Dutch airforce references
Most of the colorschemes I am using on the Dutch air force planes, are found on the following site: Jonkerweb The site has a collection with references for modeling, but also includes colorschemes used with the Dutch air forces. Most of the time showing the different variants and deliveries used. It has been very helpfull…
Airforce is growing slowly
Yesterday and today I have spent some time painting aircraft. This is a slow progress. Every time referencing some photos and choosing what to paint. But it is progress and enjoyable. It will take still significant time to complete everything.
A lot has changed, but still pressing on
The last blog is a couple of months back. A few months where a lot has happened. Some things sort of planned, some un-expected. A short summery: being fired, Covid-19 and becomming a father. Luckely the last one is very positive and enjoyable. It only reduces modelling and wargame time 😉 But in between all…
Assembly of planes
This weekend I had planned another attack on the lead pile. Glue-ing the magnets under the planes. There is still a long way to go (probably around 150 planes to go) But the different air forces are slowly growing. The picture of the ww2 era planes did not turn out to be clear, so there…
New flight stands
For aerial wargaming I have been using 1/600 scale models. For putting them on the table, I had used some homemade stands. Consisting of a hexagon shape base plate, with small vertical rod. On top of the rod was a colored bead, with a magnet glued on. On the base was a rectangle for a…
Air raids coming in
A couple of weeks ago my father and I placed a substantial order at TumblingDice. Within less than a week, the package was send and delivered. A was astonished by how quickly this went. This was a very good service. He even included a sample of some 16th century ships, as we are curious how…
Decals arrived
Last friday the ordered decals arrived. What is very quick, as I ordered them on the 12th of july, and they arrived at the 19th, from US to NL. It are 12 different sheets (packed per 2) They look very nice, and are recognizable for every country. I hope to show some of the roundels…
Decals on order
For the different 1/600 air projects, I was in need for decals. I hope this enabled the finish of the planes, and take it to a little higher level. For most of the projects decals were readily available. But for the Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somali air forces, no suitable could be found. Luckily Dan from…