Category: Napoleonic mass battles

  • Armies flying colors

    Armies flying colors

    Last two of weeks I have made some progress with multiple armies. A week ago I painted the first cohorts of a Roman army. 1 legion consisting of 10 cohorts. 8 with red shields, 1 with blue shield and 1 with green shield. Finished they look very nice. Painting these 2mm blocks was quite easy.…

  • Shooting Napoleon era Muskets

    Next to wargaming, I also have another hobby. Target shooting. Just before the Covid-19 period I recorded some black powder shooting. It is one of the greatest disciplines to shoot. Especially flint lock shooting, as it is quite unpredictable, a lot of smoke and a loud bang. So some Napoleonic era shooting with some explanation.…

  • War of the broken Wills: turn 1-3

    War of the broken Wills: turn 1-3

    During the weekend I found some time to start the campaign. So I played the first 3 campaign turns. Next step are two battles, to end turn 3. Above you can see the start of the campaign. Red pawns are my armies, black pawns are Potential Enemy Forces, turning into a yellow pawn, when resolved…

  • campaign: War of the broken Wills

    campaign: War of the broken Wills

    The only army which is in a reasonable state to play some games, is the 2mm Napoleonic armies. I want to play some more games this years, and play also some solo. Therefore I have ventured into the realms om Imagination. The basic idea is, to have a simple campaign system, without a lot of…

  • Battle of the three roads

    Battle of the three roads

    Last week we played the Battle of the three roads I posted earlier on. I did not have time to do more preparation. So we just decided to play the scenario, with the rules from the 2-by-2 rule set. I try to describe the changes we made below. We used the map as shown on…

  • Battle prep: The Battle of Three Roads

    Battle prep: The Battle of Three Roads

    Recently I was searching for a follow-up on the Battle of Cinq Bras. I just searched for wargame scenarios in google, and stumbled upon the deepfriedhappymice website. They do have a nice collection on Napoleonic wargame scenarios for Grande Armee. One of the scenarios is appealing, and hope I can convert it to the 2-by-2…

  • Battle of Cinq Bras

    Battle of Cinq Bras

    Battle of Cinq Bras – [23.04.1815] Last Tuesday evening, the first 2mm Napoleonic battle took place. This is a short battle report. My father was the opponent, playing the British (red) force and I was playing the France (blue) force. When I explained the rules and used a real life example of Quatre Bras, my…