Category: One Hour Wargames

  • Played some games finally

    Last week I have played some games again finally. My father visited and we played some simple and quick games. W1815 U&P games The first 4 games where W1815. The famous battle of waterloo. This is a simple game which if you know the rules can be played in 15 minutes. But as it was…

  • One Hour Fantasy Wargame

    Recently I have found a fan made version of a fantasy version for the One Hour Wargames by Neil Thomas. On the blog of Maudlin Jack Tar, Projects & Procastination. He had published a version for fantasy play. His goal was to recreate some Lord of the Rings style wargaming. I really like his…

  • Armies flying colors

    Armies flying colors

    Last two of weeks I have made some progress with multiple armies. A week ago I painted the first cohorts of a Roman army. 1 legion consisting of 10 cohorts. 8 with red shields, 1 with blue shield and 1 with green shield. Finished they look very nice. Painting these 2mm blocks was quite easy.…