Played some games finally

Last week I have played some games again finally. My father visited and we played some simple and quick games.

W1815 U&P games

The first 4 games where W1815. The famous battle of waterloo. This is a simple game which if you know the rules can be played in 15 minutes. But as it was the first time we played this game, it took 30 min for the first game. It is a very simple game. No movement, max 1d6 dice roll. And fixed orders.

It played very nicely, although I lost 3 out of the 4 games, I have really enjoyed them. So if you search for a gap-filler kind of wargame, just check it out.

One hour wargame modern (Ww2)

The second game was a one hour modern wargame. Two rusian equiped armies met each other in a standoff battle (scenario 1 from the book) we used the ww2 version of the rules, like some african countries withour air support available.

It worked reasonable well. The scenario is not very good for modern fights as it has no cover available. In the end I lost again. But we had a good game night. Hopefully some more games in the future..

One Hour Fantasy Wargame

Recently I have found a fan made version of a fantasy version for the One Hour Wargames by Neil Thomas. On the blog of Maudlin Jack Tar, Projects & Procastination. He had published a version for fantasy play.

His goal was to recreate some Lord of the Rings style wargaming. I really like his approach. But personally I like to have a little more magic in them. Like in some of the larger battles of the Drow Drizzt series. Therefore I will probably alter them a bit. But first I need to come up with some forces.

I am thinking to do a 2 mm version. Bases around 60 or 100mm wide. And converting all distances to cm or 2x cm, and 3d print all forces. Just toying around in my head, and scribbling some designs on paper. Hopefully some time to create them in the near future. But probably better to finish some other projects first.

Armies flying colors

Last two of weeks I have made some progress with multiple armies. A week ago I painted the first cohorts of a Roman army. 1 legion consisting of 10 cohorts. 8 with red shields, 1 with blue shield and 1 with green shield. Finished they look very nice. Painting these 2mm blocks was quite easy. First painting the base in earth colors. Then the army blocks based in silver. Afterwards the shield in their color and banners in red. Next step army painter strongtone wash, which really put everything together. Applying grass, and a nice red border on the base, to make it easier to spot the correct owner and they were finished

After the Roman army I came across a youtube video on the one hour wargame book by Neil Thomas. Being inspirered and I already had the book, started to read it again. As I have a Napoleonic army nearly finished, I played a game of Napoleonics, realizing how quick and easy the rules are, and started fantasizing to start new armies. After reading the wo2 rules, I already was thinking to order some unit when I realized I had some after wo2, 1970s units in stock, planned to be used in the Ethiopean and african conflicts. So this resulted in trowing everything together, to have two 10 unit armies. Every army consisting of 2 tank units (t55 en t62, 2 anti tank units (bmp and sagger), 2 artillery units, and 4 infantry units (some stands with transports like bmp etc.) The red border army is in dark green, the blue colored in yellow green.