Category: 2mm

  • Played some games finally

    Last week I have played some games again finally. My father visited and we played some simple and quick games. W1815 U&P games The first 4 games where W1815. The famous battle of waterloo. This is a simple game which if you know the rules can be played in 15 minutes. But as it was…

  • Armies flying colors

    Armies flying colors

    Last two of weeks I have made some progress with multiple armies. A week ago I painted the first cohorts of a Roman army. 1 legion consisting of 10 cohorts. 8 with red shields, 1 with blue shield and 1 with green shield. Finished they look very nice. Painting these 2mm blocks was quite easy.…

  • New lands aquired

    New lands aquired

    The terrain mat has been finished. After the second layer, I have drybrushed all the details with a light fleshy color. Then put some variation with a dark brown wash. But used it more like a filter. Creating a very patchy color. Next step was the flocking. A mix different short grasses and some turf…

  • Terrain in progress

    The airplanes are on hold. I have finished the color blocking and applied the first gloss layer. They are now ready for some decals, but haven’t had any time to continue. Today I had some time to continue with the terrain cloth. And applied the second layer. Some sand mixed with paint and chaulking. Applied…

  • campaign: War of the broken Wills

    campaign: War of the broken Wills

    The only army which is in a reasonable state to play some games, is the 2mm Napoleonic armies. I want to play some more games this years, and play also some solo. Therefore I have ventured into the realms om Imagination. The basic idea is, to have a simple campaign system, without a lot of…

  • Battle of the three roads

    Battle of the three roads

    Last week we played the Battle of the three roads I posted earlier on. I did not have time to do more preparation. So we just decided to play the scenario, with the rules from the 2-by-2 rule set. I try to describe the changes we made below. We used the map as shown on…

  • Battle prep: The Battle of Three Roads

    Battle prep: The Battle of Three Roads

    Recently I was searching for a follow-up on the Battle of Cinq Bras. I just searched for wargame scenarios in google, and stumbled upon the deepfriedhappymice website. They do have a nice collection on Napoleonic wargame scenarios for Grande Armee. One of the scenarios is appealing, and hope I can convert it to the 2-by-2…

  • Battle of Cinq Bras

    Battle of Cinq Bras

    Battle of Cinq Bras – [23.04.1815] Last Tuesday evening, the first 2mm Napoleonic battle took place. This is a short battle report. My father was the opponent, playing the British (red) force and I was playing the France (blue) force. When I explained the rules and used a real life example of Quatre Bras, my…