Category: Finished

  • Armies flying colors

    Armies flying colors

    Last two of weeks I have made some progress with multiple armies. A week ago I painted the first cohorts of a Roman army. 1 legion consisting of 10 cohorts. 8 with red shields, 1 with blue shield and 1 with green shield. Finished they look very nice. Painting these 2mm blocks was quite easy.…

  • New lands aquired

    New lands aquired

    The terrain mat has been finished. After the second layer, I have drybrushed all the details with a light fleshy color. Then put some variation with a dark brown wash. But used it more like a filter. Creating a very patchy color. Next step was the flocking. A mix different short grasses and some turf…

  • HMS Glasgow and HMS Brilliant sunk in Falklands

    HMS Glasgow and HMS Brilliant sunk in Falklands

    Last week I played some Missile Threat in the Falklands with my father. As I was painting the house, I did not have time to write this report earlier. The scenario is loosely based the attack of the HMS Glasgow (type 42) and HMS Brilliant (type 22). Forming a Type 42-22 combo. In our scenario…

  • Small Falkland conflict painted

    Small Falkland conflict painted

    After priming the planes yesterday, I have done a quick painting session this morning after church. I have painted the two Skyhawks and two sea Harriers. I am happy with the results. I could have worked longer on the details, and the free hand markings are not completly streight. It does look the job, and…