Category: on order

  • Air raids coming in

    Air raids coming in

    A couple of weeks ago my father and I placed a substantial order at TumblingDice. Within less than a week, the package was send and delivered. A was astonished by how quickly this went. This was a very good service. He even included a sample of some 16th century ships, as we are curious how…

  • Decals arrived

    Last friday the ordered decals arrived. What is very quick, as I ordered them on the 12th of july, and they arrived at the 19th, from US to NL. It are 12 different sheets (packed per 2) They look very nice, and are recognizable for every country. I hope to show some of the roundels…

  • Decals on order

    Decals on order

    For the different 1/600 air projects, I was in need for decals. I hope this enabled the finish of the planes, and take it to a little higher level. For most of the projects decals were readily available. But for the Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somali air forces, no suitable could be found. Luckily Dan from…