Category: Status

  • Airforce is growing slowly

    Yesterday and today I have spent some time painting aircraft. This is a slow progress. Every time referencing some photos and choosing what to paint. But it is progress and enjoyable. It will take still significant time to complete everything.

  • Update


    A small update for last week. I have made some progress and played a game. My father and I have played our second game of chain of command. Knowing the rules better it went more smootly. But we have still some things to learn. The scenario was a village road crossing, trying to be captured…

  • A lot has changed, but still pressing on

    The last blog is a couple of months back. A few months where a lot has happened. Some things sort of planned, some un-expected. A short summery: being fired, Covid-19 and becomming a father. Luckely the last one is very positive and enjoyable. It only reduces modelling and wargame time 😉 But in between all…

  • War of the broken Wills: turn 1-3

    War of the broken Wills: turn 1-3

    During the weekend I found some time to start the campaign. So I played the first 3 campaign turns. Next step are two battles, to end turn 3. Above you can see the start of the campaign. Red pawns are my armies, black pawns are Potential Enemy Forces, turning into a yellow pawn, when resolved…

  • campaign: War of the broken Wills

    campaign: War of the broken Wills

    The only army which is in a reasonable state to play some games, is the 2mm Napoleonic armies. I want to play some more games this years, and play also some solo. Therefore I have ventured into the realms om Imagination. The basic idea is, to have a simple campaign system, without a lot of…

  • Assembly of planes

    Assembly of planes

    This weekend I had planned another attack on the lead pile. Glue-ing the magnets under the planes. There is still a long way to go (probably around 150 planes to go) But the different air forces are slowly growing. The picture of the ww2 era planes did not turn out to be clear, so there…

  • The Battle of Scherpenzeel

    Last year I have done a lot of reading and searching on the battle of Scherpenzeel and the days leading to this battle. For this moment, I will skip the political landscape, and focus on the scenario I think is most plausible at the moment. The battle of Scherpenzeel was part of the Sticht (Utrecht)…

  • Geography of a Battlefield – “The origin of the Dutch landscape”

    Geography of a Battlefield – “The origin of the Dutch landscape”

    The origin of the Dutch landscape In this post I hope to provide a quick overview of the history of the Dutch landscape. The Netherlands before the Roman occupation was partly sand and partly a marchy, swampy peat landscape. The southeastern parts (in light yellow and ochre) is higher and mostly consist of sands. The…

  • To Infinity and beyond

    On Crisis 2019 I obtained a box of Corvus Belli Infinity Operation Icestorm. Or actually half the box, the Pan Oceania is missing, but the terrain is still in. (It was second hand, so price was also appropriate.) Also included was a starter set for Infinity Nomads, totaling in 13 Nomad miniatures. I probably will…

  • Civilians in wargames

    Civilians in wargames

    First to start with a disclaimer. I am quite new to wargaming, and have not played a lot of games. So probably I will overlook a lot of rules and concepts. But I will try to write some summary I could find right now. In general wargames don’t bother to much with civilians. I have…