Category: Playing
Played some games finally
Last week I have played some games again finally. My father visited and we played some simple and quick games. W1815 U&P games The first 4 games where W1815. The famous battle of waterloo. This is a simple game which if you know the rules can be played in 15 minutes. But as it was…
A small update for last week. I have made some progress and played a game. My father and I have played our second game of chain of command. Knowing the rules better it went more smootly. But we have still some things to learn. The scenario was a village road crossing, trying to be captured…
War of the broken Wills: turn 1-3
During the weekend I found some time to start the campaign. So I played the first 3 campaign turns. Next step are two battles, to end turn 3. Above you can see the start of the campaign. Red pawns are my armies, black pawns are Potential Enemy Forces, turning into a yellow pawn, when resolved…
campaign: War of the broken Wills
The only army which is in a reasonable state to play some games, is the 2mm Napoleonic armies. I want to play some more games this years, and play also some solo. Therefore I have ventured into the realms om Imagination. The basic idea is, to have a simple campaign system, without a lot of…
Battle of the three roads
Last week we played the Battle of the three roads I posted earlier on. I did not have time to do more preparation. So we just decided to play the scenario, with the rules from the 2-by-2 rule set. I try to describe the changes we made below. We used the map as shown on…